4 Talbot St, St Peters, NSW, Australia, 02 9550 3988
Zen presents
Room 5 “Full Gear”
Room 5 is one of our classic rooms located downstairs at Zen and can take up to around 5 people. It is 5.9 meters by 4.1 meters. Room 5 features the usual Zen PA, acoustic treatment on all surfaces, a floating floor, digital recording facilities and now a full array of band equipment. Room 5 is for people who want all the gear but need a big PA.
Room 5 features:
1 x Marshall JCM900 guitar head 1 x Marshall JCM800 guitar head 2 x Marshall 1960A cabinets 1 x Fender Twin Reverb combo (The Twin) 1 x Ampeg, SVT3 Pro bass head 1 x 8 x 10 Bass cab 1 x Pearl Masters Custom Maple drum kit, (cymbals not included)